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Glycine Receptor Complex Analysis Using Immunoprecipitation-Blue Native Gel Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry
Authors: van der Spek SJF, Koopmans F, Paliukhovich I, Ramsden SL, Harvey K, Harvey RJ, Smit AB, Li KW.
Journal: Proteomics
PubMed ID: 31984645
Products & Services: Recombinant Proteins   
The virulence domain of Shigella IcsA contains a subregion with specific host cell adhesion function
Authors: Qin J, Doyle MT, Tran ENH, Morona R.
Journal: PLoS ONE
PubMed ID: 31910229
Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227425
Products & Services: Recombinant Proteins   
Multienzyme detection and in-situ monitoring of enzyme activity by bending CE using quantum dots-based polypeptide substrate
Authors: Qiu L, Cui P, Zhu Z, Xu M, Jia W, Sheng J, Ni X, Zhou S, Wang J, .
Journal: Electrophoresis
PubMed ID: 32091140
Doi: 10.1002/elps.202000023
Products & Services: Recombinant Proteins   
Memory B Cell Activation, Broad Anti-influenza Antibodies, and Bystander Activation Revealed by Single-Cell Transcriptomics
Authors: Horns F, Dekker CL, Quake SR.
Journal: Cell Rep
PubMed ID: 31968262
Doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.12.063
Products & Services: Recombinant Proteins   
Translational Inhibition of α-Neurexin 2
Authors: Ding X, Meng S, Zhou J, Yang J, Li H, Zhou W.
Journal: Sci Rep
PubMed ID: 32099033
Doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-60289-8
Products & Services: Recombinant Proteins   
Frataxin deficiency in Friedreich's ataxia is associated with reduced levels of HAX-1, a regulator of cardiomyocyte death and survival
Authors: Tiano F, Amati F, Cherubini F, Morini E, Vancheri C, Maletta S, Fortuni S, Serio D, Quatrana A, Luffarelli R, Benini M, Alfedi G, Panarello L, Rufini A, Toschi N, Frontali M, Romano S, Marcotulli C, Casali C, Gioiosa S, Mariotti C, Mongelli A, Fichera M, Condò I, Novelli G, Testi R, Malisan F.
Journal: Hum Mol Genet
PubMed ID: 31943004
Doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddz306
Products & Services: Recombinant Proteins   
Dysbiosis-Induced Secondary Bile Acid Deficiency Promotes Intestinal Inflammation
Authors: Sinha SR, Haileselassie Y, Nguyen LP, Tropini C, Wang M, Becker LS, Sim D, Jarr K, Spear ET, Singh G, Namkoong H, Bittinger K, Fischbach MA, Sonnenburg JL, Habtezion A.
Journal: Cell Host Microbe
PubMed ID: 32101703
Doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2020.01.021
Products & Services: Recombinant Proteins   
The Influence of Negative Pressure and of the Harvesting Site on the Characteristics of Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Stromal Cells from Lipoaspirates
Authors: Travnickova M, Pajorova J, Zarubova J, Krocilova N, Molitor M, Bacakova L.
Journal: Stem Cells Int
PubMed ID: 32104182
Doi: 10.1155/2020/1016231
Products & Services: Recombinant Proteins   
DNA copy-number measurement of genome replication dynamics by high-throughput sequencing: the sort-seq, sync-seq and MFA-seq family
Authors: Batrakou DG, Müller CA, Wilson RHC, Nieduszynski CA.
Journal: Nat Protoc
PubMed ID: 32051615
Doi: 10.1038/s41596-019-0287-7
Products & Services: Recombinant Proteins   
Silver nanoparticles stimulate osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells through activation of autophagy
Authors: He W, Zheng Y, Feng Q, Elkhooly TA, Liu X, Yang X, Wang Y, Xie Y.
Journal: Nanomedicine (Lond)
PubMed ID: 31950875
Products & Services: Recombinant Proteins   






