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Phosphoproteomics Reveals Novel Targets and Phosphoprotein Networks in Cell Cycle Mediated by Dsk1 Kinase
Authors: Wu M, Feng G, Zhang B, Xu K, Wang Z, Cheng S, Chang C, Vyas A, Tang Z, Liu X.
Journal: J Proteome Res
PubMed ID: 32062975
Deriving a dose and regimen for anti-glucosaminidase antibody passive-immunisation for patients with Staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis
Authors: Lee CC, Southgate RD, Jiao C, Gersz E, Owen JR, Kates SL, Beck CA, Xie C, Daiss JL, Post V, Moriarty TF, Zeiter S, Schwarz EM, Muthukrishnan G.
Journal: Eur Cell Mater
PubMed ID: 32003439
Human iPSC-Derived Down Syndrome Astrocytes Display Genome-Wide Perturbations in Gene Expression, an Altered Adhesion Profile, and Increased Cellular Dynamics
Authors: Bally BP, Farmer WT, Jones EV, Jessa S, Kacerovsky JB, Mayran A, Peng H, , Lefebvre JL, Drouin J, Hayer A, Ernst C, , Murai KK, .
Journal: Hum Mol Genet
PubMed ID: 31943018
Transient Expression of Dengue Virus NS1 Antigen in Nicotiana benthamiana for Use as a Diagnostic Antigen
Authors: Marques LÉC, Silva BB, Dutra RF, Florean EOPT, Menassa R, Guedes MIF.
Journal: Front Plant Sci
PubMed ID: 32010161
Doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01674
PBX1 promotes development of natural killer cells by binding directly to the Nfil3 promoter
Authors: Xu X, Zhou Y, , Fu B, Zhang J, Dong Z, Zhang X, Shen N, Sun R, Tian Z, Wei H, .
Journal: FASEB J
PubMed ID: 32190943
Doi: 10.1096/fj.202000121R
EPS8L3 promotes hepatocellular carcinoma proliferation and metastasis by modulating EGFR dimerization and internalization
Authors: Xuan Z, , , Zhao L, , , Li Z, , , Song W, , , Chen J, , , Chen J, , , Chen H, , , Song G, , , Jin C, , , Zhou M, , , Xie H, , , Zheng S, , , Song P, , .
Journal: Am J Cancer Res
PubMed ID: 32064153
Integrin β1 Promotes Peripheral Entry by Rabies Virus
Authors: Shuai L, Wang J, Zhao D, Wen Z, Ge J, He X, Wang X, Bu Z,
Journal: J Virol
PubMed ID: 31666383
Doi: 10.1128/JVI.01819-19
The triple variant K170D/N174L/D239A compensates the destabilizing effect of variant K170D/N174L in β-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase (βHAD) from Arabidopsis …
Authors: Schelle, Luca S. Stockinger, Peter Pleiss, Jürgen Nestl, Bettina M
Journal: Universität Stuttgart
Doi: 10.18419/opus-10763
Function of mammalian M-cones depends on the level of CRALBP in Müller cells
Authors: Alexander V Kolesnikov, Philip D Kiser, Krzysztof Palczewski, Vladimir J Kefalov
Journal: J Gen Physiol
PubMed ID: 33216847
Doi: 10.1085/jgp.202012675






