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Carotenoid cleavage enzymes evolved convergently to generate the visual chromophore
Authors: Yasmeen J Solano , Michael P Everett , Kelly S Dang , Jude Abueg , Philip D Kiser
Journal: Nature Chemical Biology
PubMed ID: 38355721
Doi: 10.1038/s41589-024-01554-z
Products & Services: Plasmid DNA Preparation   
Unraveling the Catalytic Mechanism of Taxadiene-5α-hydroxylase from Crystallography and Computational Analyses
Authors: Xitong Song, Qian Wang, Xiaoxi Zhu, Wenhan Fang, Xiaonan Liu, Chao Shi, Zhenzhan Chang, Huifeng Jiang, and Binju Wang
Journal: ACS Catal
Doi: doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.3c05807
Products & Services: Gene Synthesis   
Neuroprotective effects of annexin A1 tripeptide in rats with sepsis-associated encephalopathy
Authors: Qiao Cui, Nannan Qin, Yonghan Zhang, Yanmei Miao, Leiyu Xie, Xinglong Ma, Zhiquan Zhang, Peng Xie
Journal: Biotechnol Appl Biochem
PubMed ID: 38409880
Doi: 10.1002/bab.2569
Products & Services: Peptide Synthesis   
Stalled translation by mitochondrial stress upregulates a CNOT4-ZNF598 ribosomal quality control pathway important for tissue homeostasis
Authors: Ji Geng, Shuangxi Li, Yu Li, Zhihao Wu, Sunil Bhurtel, Suman Rimal, Danish Khan, Rani Ohja, Onn Brandman, Bingwei Lu
Journal: Nat Commun
PubMed ID: 38388640
Doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-45525-3
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Reagents   
Visualizing the impact of disease-associated mutations on G protein-nucleotide interactions
Authors: Kara Anazia, Lucien Koenekoop, Guillaume Ferré, Enzo Petracco, Hugo Gutiérrez-de-Teran, Matthew T Eddy
Journal: biorxiv
PubMed ID: 38352316
Doi: 10.1101/2024.01.30.578006
Products & Services: PCR Cloning and Subcloning   
Differential functional consequences of GRIN2A mutations associated with schizophrenia and neurodevelopmental disorders
Authors: Nate Shepard, David Baez-Nieto, Sumaiya Iqbal, Erkin Kurganov, Nikita Budnik, Arthur J Campbell, Jen Q Pan, Morgan Sheng, Zohreh Farsi
Journal: Sci Rep
PubMed ID: 38307912
Doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-53102-3
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
CircUSP1 as a novel marker promotes gastric cancer progression via stabilizing HuR to upregulate USP1 and Vimentin
Authors: Rong Li, Junyi Wang, Zhenfan Xie, Xinyu Tian, Jie Hou, Dongli Wang, Hui Qian, Han Shen, Wenrong Xu
Journal: Oncogene
PubMed ID: 38366146
Doi: 10.1038/s41388-024-02968-8
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Reagents   
PeptiVAX: A new adaptable peptides-delivery platform for development of CTL-based, SARS-CoV-2 vaccines
Authors: Sara Feola, Jacopo Chiaro, Manlio Fusciello, Salvatore Russo, Iivari Kleino, Leena Ylösmäki, Eliisa Kekäläinen, Johanna Hästbacka, Pirkka T Pekkarinen, Erkko Ylösmäki, Stefania Capone, Antonella Folgori, Angelo Raggioli, Carolina Boni, Camilla Tiezzi, Andrea Vecchi, Monica Gelzo, Hassen Kared, Alessandra Nardin, Michael Fehlings, Veronique Barban, Petra Ahokas, Tapani Viitala, Giuseppe Castaldo, Lucio Pastore, Paul Porter, Sari Pesonen, Vincenzo Cerullo
Journal: Int J Biol Macromol
PubMed ID: 38331062
Doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.129926
Products & Services: Catalog Peptides   
Photoactivatable CRISPR/Cas12a Sensors for Biomarkers Imaging and Point-of-Care Diagnostics
Authors: Qing-Nan Li, Dong-Xia Wang, Dan-Ye Chen, Jia-Ao Lyu, Ya-Xin Wang, Shun-Li Wu, Hong-Xin Jiang, De-Ming Kong
Journal: Anal Chem
PubMed ID: 38305871
Doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c05497
Products & Services: Custom DNA/RNA Oligos   
In vitro evolution of diagnostic antibodies targeting native antigens in plasma by sandwich flow cytometry
Authors: Mingxia Liang, Fanlei Ran, Li Li, Haiying Hang, Lili An
Journal: Biotechnol J
PubMed ID: 38403438
Doi: 10.1002/biot.202300492
Products & Services: Molecular Biology Reagents   






