Genscript, NJ), mixed thoroughly by pipetting and incubated for 10 min at room temperature. These reactions containing template DNA from lysed cells were used for PCR as described below....">
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Bacterial community composition of chronic periodontitis and novel oral sampling sites for detecting disease indicators.

Microbiome.. 2014-08; 
V Galimanas, MW Hall, N Singh, MD Lynch, M Goldberg, H Tenenbaum, DG Cvitkovitch, JD Neufeld, DB Senadheera. Dental Research Institute, University of Toronto, 124 Edward Street, Toronto, ON M51G6, Canada.
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Background Periodontitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease of polymicrobial etiology that can lead to the destruction of bones and tissues that support the teeth. The management of chronic periodontitis (CP) relies heavily on elimination or at least control of known pathogenic consortia associated with the disease. Until now, microbial plaque obtained from the subgingival (SubG) sites has been the primary focus for bacterial community analysis using deep sequencing. In addition to the use of SubG plaque, here, we investigated whether plaque obtained from supragingival (SupG) and tongue dorsum sites can serve as alternatives for monitoring CP-associated bacterial biomarkers. Results Using SubG, SupG, and... More


Oral microbiome; 16S rRNA gene; Chronic periodontitis; Tongue; Supragingival; Subgingival; Plaque; Bacterial community