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Concomitant type I IFN and M-CSF signaling reprograms monocyte differentiation and drives pro-tumoral arginase production.

EBioMedicine. 2019-01; 
TongYuanyuan, ZhouLuyang, YangLimin, GuoPanpan, CaoYanlan, QinF Xiao-Feng, LiuJiang
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Catalog Antibody … Technology (Erk1/2, #4695; pErk1/2, #4370; CSF1R, #3152; Stat3, #9139; pStat3-Y705, #9145; arginase-1, #93668; pStat1-Y701, #7649; Stat1, #14994), Santa Cruz (GAPDH, #sc-32,233), BD (ARG1, 610,708, for immunofluorescent staining), Genscript (Actin, #A00730) and … Get A Quote


Type I IFN-based therapies against solid malignancies have yielded only limited success. How IFN affects tumor-associated macrophage (TAM) compartment to impact the therapeutic outcomes are not well understood.


Anti-tumor immunity,Arginase,M-CSF,Monocyte maturation,Tumor-associated macrophages,Type I