, and KRT-7 (cytokeratin-7) (M7018, mouse monoclonal) was from Dako. Antibodies used for immu- nocytochemistry are listed in...">
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Complete and unidirectional conversion of human embryonic stem cells to trophoblast by BMP4.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.. 2013-03;  110(13):E1212 - E1221
Amita M, Adachi K, Alexenko AP, Sinha S, Schust DJ, Schulz LC, Roberts RM, Ezashi T. Division of Animal Sciences, and Bond Life Sciences Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA.
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Human ES cells (hESC) exposed to bone morphogenic protein 4 (BMP4) in the absence of FGF2 have become widely used for studying trophoblast development, but the soundness of this model has been challenged by others, who concluded that differentiation was primarily toward mesoderm rather than trophoblast. Here we confirm that hESC grown under the standard conditions on a medium conditioned by mouse embryonic fibroblasts in the presence of BMP4 and absence of FGF2 on a Matrigel substratum rapidly convert to an epithelium that is largely KRT7(+) within 48 h, with minimal expression of mesoderm markers, including T (Brachyury). Instead, they begin to express a series of trophoblast markers, including HLA-G, demonstr... More
