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Development of an FhbB based chimeric vaccinogen that elicits antibodies that block Factor H binding and cleavage by the periopathogen Treponema denticola

Mol Oral Microbiol. 2020-11; 
Nathaniel S O'Bier, Dhara T Patel, Lee D Oliver, Daniel P Miller, Richard T Marconi
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Gene Synthesis … Gene sequences were verified on a fee for service basis (Genewiz). Genes encoding FhbB proteins with single or double … The genes were codon optimized, synthesized and provided by the supplier in pUC57 (Genscript). The fhbB genes were PCR amplified from … Get A Quote


Treponema denticola is a proteolytic anaerobic spirochete and key contributor to periodontal disease of microbial etiology. As periodontal disease develops and progresses, T. denticola thrives in the hostile environment of the subgingival crevice by exploiting the negative regulatory activity of the complement protein, factor H (FH). FH bound to the cell surface receptor, FhbB (FH binding protein B), is competent to serve as a cofactor for the Factor I mediated-cleavage of the opsonin C3b. However, bound FH is ultimately cleaved by the T. denticola protease, dentilisin. As the T. denticola population expands, the rate of FH cleavage may exceed its rate of replenishment leading to local FH depletion and immune d... More


Treponema denticola, Factor H, FhbB, chimeric immunogen, dentilisin, periodontal disease