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Proteins, Expression, Isolation and Analysis | … Protein samples were separated by 4-20% SurePAGE™ precast gel (Genscript, Cat#M00656) and then transferred to nitrocellulose membranes (Millipore, Cat#HATF00010). After … | Get A Quote |
Totipotent cells have more robust developmental potency than any other cell types, giving rise to both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues. Stable totipotent cell cultures and deciphering the principles of totipotency regulation would be invaluable to understand cell plasticity and lineage segregation in early development. Our approach of remodeling the pericentromeric heterochromatin and re-establishing the totipotency-specific broad H3K4me3 domains promotes the pluri-to-totipotency transition. Our protocol establishes a closer match of mouse 2-cell (2C) embryos than any other 2C-like cells. These totipotent-like stem cells (TLSCs) are stable in culture and possess unique molecular features of the mouse 2C em... More