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HLA-C*04:09N is expressed at the cell surface and triggers peptide-specific T-cell activation

Haematologica. 2024-04; 
Carlotta Welters, Marthe-Lina Welters, Serena Stadler, Lars Bullinger, Julian Strobel, Holger Hackstein, Arunraj Dhamodaran, Thomas Blankenstein, Leo Hansmann
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Catalog Peptides … Indicated peptides (Genscript) were added at 5 μM final concentration 1 h before co-culture. For HLA-blocking, Ultra-LEAF Purified Anti-Human HLA-class I (clone W6/32, BioLegend, … Get A Quote


The null allele HLA-C*04:09N differs from HLA-C*04:01 in a frameshift mutation within its cytoplasmic domain, resulting in translation of 32 additional amino acids that are assumed to prevent cell surface expression. However, we recently identified a multiple myeloma-reactive T-cell receptor (TCR) that appeared to recognize antigen presented on HLA-C*04:09N and encouraged us to ask whether HLA-C*04:09N, albeit not easily detectable at the cell surface, can present antigen sufficient for T-cell activation. We generated two HLA-class I-deficient cell lines, re-expressed HLAC* 04:09N, detected HLA expression by flow cytometry, and tested for T-cell activation using a cytomegalovirus peptide- specific HLA-C*04:01-r... More
