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Fungi of the order Mucorales express a "sealing-only" tRNA ligase

biorxiv. 2023-11; 
Khondakar Sayef Ahammed, Ambro van Hoof
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Molecular Biology Reagents … Despite extensive searches, we were unable to identify any genes in the Mucorales that … cerevisiae and synthesized by GenScript. The TRL1 gene was then cloned into the same vector … Get A Quote


Some eukaryotic pre-tRNAs contain an intron that is removed by a dedicated set of enzymes. Intron-containing pre-tRNAs are cleaved by tRNA splicing endonuclease (TSEN), followed by ligation of the two exons and release of the intron. Fungi use a "heal and seal" pathway that requires three distinct catalytic domains of the tRNA ligase enzyme, Trl1. In contrast, humans use a "direct ligation" pathway carried out by RTCB, an enzyme completely unrelated to Trl1. Because of these mechanistic differences, Trl1 has been proposed as a promising drug target for fungal infections. To validate Trl1 as a broad-spectrum drug target, we show that fungi from three different phyla contain Trl1 orthologs with all three domains.... More


TRL1, antifungal target, tRNA splicing